Sealey Vehicle Service 2018
20 sealey tools @sealeytools sealeytools sealey tools Video Borescopes • Large 110mm TFT screen and tablet design makes the image incredibly clear but also very portable. • Includes the added advantage of probe storage inside the rear of the case so no additional storage required. • )HDWXUHV FRQWUROV IRU OLJKW LQWHQVLW\ GLJLWDO ]RRP PLUURU ÀLS IXQFWLRQ (to reverse image when using a 45° mirror) and image rotation. • Waterproof probe pod with IP67 rating and supplied in storage pouch. • Model No. VS8222 also supplied with 45° mirror, magnetic pick-up and hook. • 3RZHUHG E\ [ $$ EDWWHULHV VXSSOLHG Tablet Video Borescopes • High performance pistol grip borescopes with 85mm colour TFT screen and waterproof probe pod with IP67 rating. • Features video record/playback, still images and stream live video via the AV out connection. • Videos and images are stored on a 4GB micro SD card (supplied) allowing up to 4.5 hours of video and 10,000 images, which can be transferred to a PC via the USB connection. • $OVR IHDWXUHV GLJLWDO ]RRP FRQWURO DQG URWDWH ÀLS FRQWURO of image. • Powered by lithium-ion battery pack giving up to 4 hours continuous use. • AV and USB cables supplied. Model No. VS8232 Model No. VS8230 VS8231 VS8232 Camera: Ø9mm Ø5.5mm Ø3.9mm Optional Probes: ط ط ط Viewing Angle: 53° 60° 80° Pod Length: 50mm 30mm 20mm Camera Probe Length: 1000mm 1000mm 1000mm Adjustable Light Control: ط ط ط Screen Resolution: 320 x 240 320 x 240 320 x 240 Mirror Flip/Rotate Function ط ط ط List Price £249.95 £349.95 £329.95 Exc. VAT £199.95 £279.95 £264.95 Inc. VAT £239.94 £335.94 £317.94 Model No. VS8290 VS8255 VS8239 Probe Size: Ø9mm x 1000mm Ø5.5mm x 1000mm Ø3.9mm x 1000mm Viewing Angle: 53° 60° 80° Pod Length 50mm 30mm 20mm Adjustable Light Control: ط ط ط Resolution: 640 x 480 640 x 480 320 x 240 List Price £64.95 £119.95 £109.95 Exc. VAT £49.95 £89.95 £84.95 Inc. VAT £59.94 £107.94 £101.94 Model No. VS8222 VS8223 Camera Probe Length: 830mm 830mm Camera: Ø9mm Ø5.5mm Mirror Flip/Rotate Function: ط ط Pod Length: 50mm 35mm List Price £169.95 £229.95 Exc. VAT £134.95 £179.95 Inc. VAT £161.94 £215.94 Replacement or Alternative Camera Probes for VS8230, VS8231 & VS8232 • Waterproof probe pod with IP67 rating. • Features lighting LEDs for a clear image in dark areas. Model No. VS8239 Model No. VS8239 Model No. VS8255 Model No. VS8290 or Model No. VS8222
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