Sealey Winter 2018
6HDOH\ *URXS .HPSVRQ :D\ 6XႇRON %XVLQHVV 3DUN %XU\ 6W (GPXQGV 6XႇRON ,3 $5 YOUR LOCAL STOCKIST VDOHV#VHDOH\ FR XN +44 (0)1284 703534 +44 (0)1284 757500 SCAN ME To visit our website Sealey app available on iOS and Android Contact us for your FREE Catalogue OR Download the Sealey app 3ULFHV H[FOXGH 9$7 XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH VWDWHG 3URPRWLRQ YDOLG IURP VW 6HSWHPEHU WR WK )HEUXDU\ 2ႇHUV ZLOO EH ZLWKGUDZQ ZKHQ VWRFN LV VROG :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR FKDQJH SURGXFWV DQG SULFLQJ DW DQ\ WLPH 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV DQG GHVFULSWLRQV RQ WKLV SURPRWLRQ DUH JLYHQ LQ JRRG IDLWK EXW PD\ FKDQJH ZLWKRXW QRWLFH DQG GR QRW IRUP DQ\ SDUW RI D VDOH FRQWUDFW ( 2( 75; 67$5 75; 76 DQG 75; 3 WRROV DUH VXLWDEOH IRU GULYLQJ 725; ® DQG 725; 3/86 ® IDVWHQHUV UHVSHFWLYHO\ 725; ® DQG 725; 3/86 ® DUH UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUNV RI $FXPHQW ,QWHOOHFWXDO 3URSHUWLHV //& v;-Ѵ; |ooѴv ĺv;-Ѵ;ĺ1oĺh uoloঞom o7;Ĺ ) ƐѶ Šv;-Ѵ;|ooѴv v;-Ѵ;|ooѴv v;-Ѵ;|ooѴv NEW NEW NEW • Made from durable anti-scratch material to protect vehicle’s paintwork. • Rigid tubular frame with hinged opening for easy access. • Adjustable side vents allow increased ventilation while still keeping vehicle protected from elements. • Includes anchor points for fixing shelter to driveway/ground (fixings not included). • Padlock hasp for increased security when canopy is closed. • Dimensions (L x W x H): 2700 x 1050 x 1550mm. • Model No. MCS01 • List Price £169.95 Motorcycle Storage Shelter Small 2700 x 1050 x 1550mm • Made from durable anti-scratch material to protect vehicle’s paintwork. • Rigid tubular frame with hinged opening for easy access. • Adjustable side vents allow increased ventilation while still keeping vehicle protected from elements. • Includes anchor points for fixing shelter to driveway/ground (fixings not included). • Padlock hasp for increased security when canopy is closed. • Dimensions (L x W x H): 3400 x 1800 x 1900mm. • Model No. MCS02 • List Price £225.95 Motorcycle/Small Car Shelter 3400 x 1800 x 1900mm • Made from durable anti-scratch material to protect vehicle’s paintwork. • Rigid tubular frame with hinged opening for easy access. • Hook and loop vents allow increased ventilation while still keeping vehicle protected from elements. • Includes anchor points for fixing shelter to driveway/ ground (fixings not included). • Central padlock hasp and additional ground anchor point for increased security when canopy is closed. • Model No. CCS01 • List Price £549.95 Vehicle Storage Shelter 2.7 x 5.5 x 2mtr £149.95 £179.94 EXC. VAT INC. VAT £199.95 £239.94 EXC. VAT INC. VAT £449.95 £539.94 EXC. VAT INC. VAT
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